How to Make a Canvas Fruit Pouch
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Using a blank canvas pouch, I thought I could make fun lime and grapefruit pencil cases, makeup pouches or general catch-alls. The canvas pouches I got are so cute as each zipper is a bright color. With the onset of hot weather, I am channeling summer and what feels more summer than some delicious, colorful fruit.
The pouches were rectangle so I thought it would be more fun if they looked like actual slices by creating a half moon shape. I don’t really sew but I do have thread and needle because I love cross stitching. My mom gifted me a ton of threads she had from her cross stitching days so I decided to use them to make accent tassels. Of course my cats stole them immediately and ran off with them. So this is my cat disclaimer, the tassels may provoke your felines.
Tips & Tricks
My canvas pouches are 7.87” w x 5.5” h. Because we are creating a half moon shape, remember that the pouch will lose some of its width, in case you are creating this for specific items, such as pencils.
I have a lot of embroidery thread (DMC 6 strand) because I cross stitch so I just searched my stock and used colors that match the paint but you could also do contrasting colors for the tassel.
Similarly, when stitching the half moon shape, I used the needles I cross stitch with (tapestry needles size #24) but any thread and needle for sewing will do for this.
I did two layers of stitches on my half moon shape to make sure it was sturdy. I didn’t cut away the excess bag but you definitely can. You will have to cut the stitches that were already there so make sure to reinforce those areas.
I don’t have any split rings so I just used wire and made my own, like I did in my clay keychain DIY, using needle nose pliers.
Trace Circle
Turn the pouch inside out and use a bowl to trace a half circle on it with a pencil.
Sew Circle
I used one strand of my embroidery thread (which is 6 strand) and stitched along the traced line.
Repeat Sewing
Repeat the stitch about 1/8” to the side. This reinforces the pouch.
Paint Rind
Flip back to the front and start painting the rind first.
Paint Fruit
After the rind is done, lightly draw with a pencil your inner shapes. Fill in the shapes with paint. Add any other paint details you want.
Loop Thread
Pick a main color for your tassel and loop back and forth. Its better to over estimate length. Mine was about 5” long.
Wrap Thread
Use a different color to wrap tightly around the middle.
Fold Tassel
Fold the tassel in half and wrap that color a couple times so it holds shape. Use another color, I went with yellow, and wrap around the base to finish.
Add Tassel
If you have a split ring, slide it on your tassel and zipper. I used 18 gauge wire and created my own by slowly twisting it in a circle with my pliers.
Trim Tassel
Trim the end of your tassel to your desired length.
Alright we have finished and now I just want some fresh fruit or a strawberry daiquiri. I think I might do a giveaway and give these out to some people on my instagram. Follow me for the opportunity!
There are so many possibilities for these bags. I think watermelon, lemon or a rainbow would be super cute. Do you have any other ideas? Let me know how yours turn out in the comments below! Happy crafting!